5 Ways to Remain Active in the Golden Years

5 Ways to Stay Active while Aging

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Staying strong and independent is important for aging adults because it allows them to maintain some control over their lives. Seniors can continue doing things they enjoy even as they grow older. Here are some of the ways elderly people can remain active while aging. 


1. Start a Garden

Seniors who plant gardens often grow healthy fruits, vegetables, and spices, which could boost their heart health and lower their risk of diabetes. Working in the garden can increase bone strength and hand-eye coordination. By getting regular physical exercise, your parent can also boost his or her mobility and flexibility. 

Older adults who need help gardening or managing other activities should consider professional in-home care. Homecare professionals can be a wonderful boon to seniors. Whether they require around-the-clock supervision or just need assistance with exercise and household tasks a few days a week, seniors can enjoy a higher quality of life with the help of trusted in-home caregivers.


2. Try a New Sport

Growing older shouldn’t prevent seniors from trying new things, including sports. The more active older adults are, the more gracefully they tend to age. Staying physically active can reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease, some types of cancer, depression, and other diseases. If your loved one enjoys a particular sport, find a senior-friendly league he or she can join within the community. If no leagues exist, consider starting one and asking your loved one to help out. 


3. Volunteer

Giving back to others is a great way for aging adults to stay active. Your loved one can volunteer at a local business or work with an organization that shares his or her values. Volunteering keeps the mind stimulated and provides the opportunity to expand social networks. Your loved one may feel great knowing his or her hard work will brighten someone’s day. 


4. Spend Time with the Grandkids

On the weekends, seniors should go with their grandchildren to a shopping mall, the movies, a local museum, or some fun place that provides physical activity. These weekend activities give seniors the ability to bond with their grandchildren while boosting their physical, mental, and emotional health. Encourage your loved one to have these creative and fun outings each week, especially if he or she doesn’t get regular moderate exercise.

Interacting with the grandkids is just one of the many ways older adults can socialize. For families living in Columbia, respite care can be a wonderful solution when their aging loved ones need companionship and socialization a few hours a week or just need minor assistance with daily household tasks. At Assisting Hands Home Care, we thrive on helping seniors maintain their independence while living in the comfort of home.


5. Take Up Water Aerobics

If there are senior-friendly water aerobics courses available within your community, sign your loved one up. Your parent can engage in fun exercise routines that keep his or her body in good shape. Water aerobics consists of low-impact exercises that increase circulation and reduce the risk of blood clots, strokes, and heart disease. Working out in the water can rehabilitate healing muscles and increase mobility. 

Hiring a professional caregiver is a good way to help your parent stay active and healthy. If you’re the primary caregiver for a senior family member and are looking for professional home care, Columbia Assisting Hands Home Care should be your top choice. Our dedicated and compassionate caregivers are committed to helping older adults manage their health and enjoy a higher quality of life in the golden years. To hire a professionally trained caregiver for your loved one, call us today. 

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